Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Week Two

So I survived! I am finally starting to get in the grove of things and I love my class! My stories are usually just funny, but some of the other Kindergarten teachers were blessed with a rough group of lovely children. I feel very lucky and wouldn't trade any of my kids for anything! I seriously love each one of them as individuals and look forward to seeing their bright smiling faces each day! They are so sweet and so innocent it kills me! I wouldn't trade the look in their eyes as I hold their hand on the play ground, or wipe a tear from their cheek, or so softly place a band aide over the smallest non-bleeding scratch. This week I had parent teacher conferences and I got to talk to each of my parents about their child. I wrote them all individual e-mails about their student and told them all the things I have noticed and love about them already. The replies I got were so heartfelt and sincere. I had no idea that these cute little children thought I was so wonderful. To be honest, I never thought anyone could possibly think I was that wonderful. One mom was tucking her little boy into bed one night and said, "Miss Faught seems nice" and he said, " OH MY GOSH..MOM..SHE IS SO PRETTY!!!" and the mom said, "Yeah, she is way fun isn't she.." and he said, "NO MOM..LIKE WOW..PRETTY!!" Ha ha ha don't get too mushed out, there is always the bitter with the sweet.. another little girl felt the need to burst my big head before it got out of hand as I was apparently being slightly grumpy that day with them after lunch recess. She raised her hand in front of the whole class and said, "Miss Faught, you really should smile more, you look lots prettier when you do..." ha ha ha. Remember how I said I loved how real and simple these children are..................hmmmm......

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