Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Classroom Chaos

I truly never thought I would ever finish setting up my classroom! It literally took me nearly every second August had to offer. For those of you who were wondering.. there are approximately 2,678,400 seconds in August.. and you know the expression, "eat, sleep, breathe" what ever it is you are spending all your time on.. well I did all that.. minus the eating, sleeping, and breathing! BEING A FIRST YEAR TEACHER IS HARD! I could NOT have done any of this though with out Becca. She is amazing and everyone at George Washington Academy will testify of that. She spent every free hour of her summer at school helping me and when I couldn't find her in my classroom, she was helping someone she didn't even know! I know I can be difficult to work with, I am a major perfectionist and I would rather do things myself just so I know they will get done exactly how I was thinking them. So I appreciate everyone who helped me and put up with my tears and grumpiness. I think I almost have everything exactly how I want it! I have been so blessed, everything has fallen perfectly into place. I have received so many comments on my room, even from parents in other classes! I tried to make it as clean, and inviting as possible and I really feel so comforted in there. I know that this room was meant for me and I hope that the environment I have created will change someones life for the better this year, because it has already changed mine!

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