Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Four Letter Word...

I could imagine that as a mom, you might dread the first time you hear your child say that awful, awful four letter word. Although, I am not a mom yet, today hearing it as a teacher, was just as unsettling. The day was almost over and we had nearly made it through the beginning of our third week together. We began to start packing up and this is usually the part of my day where I say my own four letter words..inside my head of course! Ha ha ha.. Anyway, we were picking up the room, getting 26 backpacks ready, and refereeing stolen homework folder disputes...When a little girl asks me if she can use the bathroom, I of course agree and quickly forget she had went in there because of all the chaos around me. The next thing I remember is a familiar little girl tugging at my shirt. I usually get really frustrated when that happens because I can't help 26 children if they follow me around tugging at my shirt! So I ignored her, until she remembered to step back and raise her hand. However, she kept tugging until I finally frantically squealed out a "WHAT?" She looked at me with fear in her eyes and that was when I heard her say it.. Don't judge me for being so graphic.. The story just wouldn't be the same if I didn't use the same four letter word she did.. Yes.. You guessed it.. POOP! AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Oh...... my.......my skin is still shivering even to think about it! I walked into the danger zone not knowing what to expect, I didn't have my phone with 911 on the speed dial, I didn't even have a back up plan to call for help I needed it! I opened the door to find poop all over the floor and toilet seat.. as if the beautiful bowl of porcelain had been completely MISSED! ...blah... I then noticed that not only was it on the floor.. but it had been stepped in, and smeared.. which means that somewhere in that beautifully Lysoled, Febreezed, coconut lime scented room of mine.. THERE WAS POOP ON A SHOE!! I was completely baffled ha ha ha I racked my brain trying to remember which students had been using the bathroom and tried checking shoes randomly but I didn't want to embarrass anyone..right? or should I have just asked because it is gross and needs to be taken care of? I mean its not like any parent is going to be surprised by it tonight when they do laundry.. BECAUSE CLEARLY IT WAS ALL LEFT IN MY BATHROOM! Ha ha ha.. I still left with the biggest smile on my face! I love my job! I might cry, and freak out, and never sleep, and get SO stressed! But how can you not look on the bright side of this: 1. I am NOT the janitor. 2. I am NOT the laundry washer. and 3. I am NOT the bottom of that shoe!....YUM!

1 comment:

  1. k Im so glad you have a blog to share these stories i read them all and LOVE them I bet you have so many in just one day that it's hard to keep track! You're gonna make one AMAZING mom one day girl!!! and until then stick around with kindergarten so you can teach dax and tes! he he! love it! keep em coming!
